Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Stereotypical film opening

Stereotypical Film Opening - Aladdin 

The film Aladdin even though a Disney children's film consists of a variety of different stereotypes for example only seen briefly in the film opening however in the movie women are eroticized, even one of the main character, Jasmine, wears extremely revealing clothes also the other women are shown to be sexy and exotically dancing.  Which stereotypes females that are non-white to be more sexual and animalistic.

Class Notes
Media institution uses stereotypes because the audience will instantly understand them.  Stereotypes are almost like 'visual shortcut'.  They are repeated so often we assume the are normal or true.

Archetypes - This is the ultimate type of stereotypes. For example, an Essex girl could be described as a big busted, brainless and blonde.

Countertype - A representation that challenges traditional stereotypical associations of groups, people or places.

Representation- The way in which people, event and ideas are presented to the audience.  Basically, the media re-presents something to the public and they can show that any way they want.  These are made by producers (anyone who makes a media text), what they choose to show is up the gatekeeper
(has the responsibility to filter information before it is published).

Regional identity 


1 comment:

  1. Again, where are your class notes?
    - This is very brief analysis Holly. Is this what you want the examiner to see?
